Ready To Up Your Game?

Want to kick your productivity into high gear? Are your days just slipping by without being productive? A few simple tweaks can work wonders. Since becoming a blogger, I’ve picked up some invaluable tips that have completely transformed my work and productivity. From organising content schedules to learning new skills to finding the perfect tools for the job, there’s always a way to do more in less time.

If you’re new to the blogger industry, check out this Ultimate Guide To Starting A Travel Blog. Or, if you have already started making a travel blog and want to make it better, check out How To Make Your Blog The Best instead.

Get ready to work smarter, not harder! Here are my 10 steps to being more productive!

1. Get Up. Show Up. Be Productive.

This one might seem like a duh, of course, but it deserves the acknowledgement of an effort. Seriously, I’m so guilty of a late start, late finish lifestyle. I’d work so late that I would miss my mornings. However, watch the switch up when you wake up early and get work done. Seeing how much work you’ve completed by noon will make you feel so much more productive.

I like to be comfortable, so I typically wear home clothes, but if it helps you get ready as if you were heading into work, then do that! Showering when you wake up and preparing your mind for a working day will instantly boost your motivation for productivity.

Get up. Wake up. First step to being productive. Everything travel. Forever Living Yes.

Get up. Show up!

2. Delegate Your Time

If you’re more disciplined, plan how to spend your time for the month. However, I find planning out day-to-day more suitable for me as I am a last-minute person, and who knows, I might be on a flight tomorrow!

I like to split my time into blocks, for example, one or two-hour time blocks. I’d put a subject on each block to know what I would focus on for that hour. You don’t need to go into details; it’s just a rough idea. I usually figure out what I’m doing until about 6 pm; then, I go with whatever I feel like doing in the evening. Here’s an example of what a plan of mine would look like:

9 am. 2 hour. Begin a new blog.
11:30 am. 2 hour. Make social media content for future – Pinterest, IG.
2 pm. 1 hour. Clean up website.
3 pm. 1 hour. Revamp some old blogs/continue blog from morning.
4 pm. 1 hour. Grow social media or get distracted 🙂
5 pm. 1 hour. Learn something new for my website.

An example of what delegating my time would look like

3. Maximise (& Limit) Your Time On Social Media

Cutting back on social media can be a game-changer for productivity and mental well-being. Setting specific times to check your accounts and using apps that monitor and limit your usage allows you to free up daily hours for more meaningful activities.

For me, social media is a love/hate game. I hate how distracting it is, how fake online can be, how unrealistic and perfect everyone seems to be, and how everyone seems to be making a ton of cash using the internet, making me feel like I’m not doing enough. On the other hand, you CAN make cash using the internet, and that’s amazing; you can self-teach yourself so much with all the free resources out there – WOW, and the extra motivation you can get from being inspired by others. It’s one of those things. Yin and Yang.

However, setting time aside to focus on what you must do will help you reach your goals quickly. Embrace the balance and watch your productivity soar. So, I try to spend no longer than 20 minutes on social media (apart from delegating a 1-hour time block to grow my Instagram account). Do what you must and then move on to the next task.

I had to delete my TikTok account temporarily—I haven’t restored it because one day, I spent three hours scrolling, and it didn’t even feel like it! What a way to waste time!

Try not to get caught up in scrolling on social media for too long. Everything travel.

Try not to get caught up in scrolling on social media for too long

4. Help Yourself Be Productive With Content

Content is the most prominent aspect of it all. Creating content for all your social media and your website can become overwhelming. Help yourself by trying to plan out when you’ll be posting content and on what platform, for example:

Every morning, except Saturday, I will try to do 3 x Pinterest posts and 1 x Instagram story. Then, I’ll try to post a new blog every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. By the way, this is just an example to help – don’t get worked up if you don’t stick directly to your plan; it’s tough to be consistent forever.

Monday: 3 x Pinterest 1 x IG story
Tuesday: 3 x Pinterest 1 x IG story 1 x Blog Post
Wednesday: 3 x Pinterest 1 x IG story
Thursday: 3 x Pinterest 1 x IG story 1 x Blog Post
Friday: 3 x Pinterest 1 x IG story 1 x Blog Post
Saturday: 3 x Pinterest 1 x IG story
Sunday: 3 x Pinterest 1 x IG story

A rough guide to my beginner content planner

5. Switching Environments

Find your perfect work-only zone to supercharge your focus. When your brain links that spot with getting things done, you’ll be in the productivity fast lane. If the home isn’t cutting for concentration, consider hitting the library or finding a space to work in peace.

I prefer working indoors as I know being in a public space would distract me more. Knowing what works for you as a blogger, whether you switch it up once a week or change your working space, can help fuel that productivity.

Create the workspace that helps you be as productive. Everything travel.

Create the workspace that helps you be as productive

6. Clearing Out & Organizing

Setting aside a day or a few hours a week to clear out and organise your blogger bits and bobs is worth setting aside. Not only will it make your life sooo much easier when it comes to finding the content you’re looking for, but it’ll also help save time and make you feel more productive.

I’m setting aside 2 hours daily for the next month to clear out and organise my content. My phone has over 55,000 pieces of media, which I am now dividing into categories, like countries and social media bits. It’s been two weeks, and I’ve already seen how much better this is for me. I can find my content much faster; it is a game changer as a blogger. Like my laptop, my files are all organised, and I feel much better!

Organise yourself for better productivity. How to be more productive for travel blogginf. Everything travel. Forever Living Yes.

Organising will save you time as a blogger

7. Editing In Batches

The quality of your images is super important. Think about when you’re scrolling through an Instagram or a website; if the visuals aren’t great, you’ll likely close the page. The same goes for your blogs. It’s essential to have eye-catching images to keep your audience entertained. You’re likely to use 100s, if not 1000s, of pictures throughout your website, so editing in batches is a great way to be more productive and stay ahead of time. CapCut is a popular editing tool for editing videos for reels on IG and FB. I usually use Hypic to edit my picture content in batches for Instagram and my website.

More Blogs:

9 valuable things I wish I'd known from the beginning. Everything travel. Forever Living Yes.
Productivity: 10 steps to becoming a more priductive blogger. Everything travel. Forever Living Yes.

8. Be Authentic

It’s easier to be authentic than to try to be someone you’re not. It’s easy to get caught up in social media and think everyone has a perfect life. Nobody is you, and that’s YOUR superpower. For better or for worse, your creativity and mind are like no other. So embrace it, and work with yourself to create unique content that fits your style. I use Canva to create mine; you’ll find amazing templates and inspo there!

However, I’m not saying you shouldn’t inspire. I encourage checking in with other bloggers within your industry sometimes and seeing what they’re doing. Sometimes, I’ve encountered bloggers who have sparked an idea for my website or something business-related. So, in small doses, have a nose around. But try not to compare or think your art is not good because of it; use it to help spark your productivity. We all have to start somewhere, and you will get there, too!

Forever Living Yes - Travel quotes. Standing out from the crowd. How to be more productive. Everything travel.

Make content that fits with who you are

9. Set Breaks

Burnout is real. It can happen in any job. You’ll usually have warning signs, like getting frustrated, forming bad habits like missing out on sleep and meals or feeling irritated. Maybe you’ve heard the saying before: prevention is better than cure. So, if you start to feel like you’re being worked up, it’s time to take a break.

I find myself needing to take a break every two weeks. I’ll have a weekend off when I do no FLY-related work or have a holiday away. It is sometimes hard to allow myself to do this, especially as I need to do something all the time; otherwise, I feel like I’m wasting my time. You’ll get more comfortable after the first few times as you start getting into a routine. You’ll feel super productive again once you return to your blogger workload after a few days off, promise!

Take some downtime; it'll do you some good! How to be more productive to make yur blog the best. Everything travel. Forever Living Yes.

Take some downtime; it’ll do you some good!

10. Acknowledge Your Productivity

Some weeks may be better than others, but a weekly recap will allow you to see that you’re trying. Before I started this weekly recap exercise, I would always get caught up on what I still needed to do and felt like I hadn’t been productive enough. This would put pressure on me and not allow me to celebrate my achievements.

Think about how far you’ve come. Now, think about how proud you will be of all your hard work in 12 months. Small steps equal big changes. At the end of each week, give yourself ten minutes to recap the week’s progress; you may be amazed at how much work you did. Doing this will help you acknowledge your productivity instead of thinking about how productive you need to be.

Study pays off

My hours of studying blogging-relating resources. Just acknowledge how far you’ve come!

That’s A Wrap!

So there you have it: 10 steps to being more productive as a blogger! These steps have hugely helped me save time and boost my productivity. Adjusting to new habits may take a little time, but I promise it’ll be worth your time. Good luck with it! <3

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